Receiving Order Functionality

In the IntelliTrack Inventory application, the receiving order capability stems from whether the page is blank or an order is selected.

Blank Page - No Order Selected

When the page first appears, it is blank and the only active icon is the Add icon.

Add Icon

Receiving Orders page

Receiving Orders page

Note: When the page is in Add mode, you have the option to add a new order and save it to the system for receiving at another time or you have the option to add a new order, receive the items, and save it the system; see "Adding a Receiving Order" for more information.

Open Order Selected

A receiving order is selected from the Order Number field in the Select Order portion of the page; see "Reviewing a Receiving Order" for more information. When you select an open order, the Add icon, Edit icon, Delete icon, and Cancel icon activate. (A closed order may not be edited.)

Receiving Orders page

Show Closed Orders Checkbox

To select a closed order, mark the Show Closed Orders checkbox in the Select Order portion of the page.

Receiving Orders page - Showing a Closed Order

The closed and open orders are included in the Order Number drop-down list.

When you select a closed order, the Add icon, Delete icon, and Cancel icon activate. A closed order cannot be edited (see "Receiving Order Status").